Introduction to Solar Energy

What is solar energy?
The energy of the sun is the most common renewable resource that has the power to fuel life on earth as well as be a source of clean and sustainable energy for future generations if developed properly and used entirely. The energy of the sun can be converted into electricity with the help special equipment. Studies show that the amount of sun rays that reach land each hour is much more than the consumption of the entire population in one year. Developing and using the solar energy can be extremely beneficial and can also help in eradicating the energy crisis across the globe.

How does solar energy work?
PV modules (photovoltaic) absorb sunlight and convert the sun’s energy into a refined and useable form of electric current. Solar energy can be made at any location that receives sun rays; hence, it can be viable anywhere around the world. This energy can be made cost-effective for remote locations as it can be paired with batteries which will enhance the converted energy’s storage making it independent of the utility grid and easily accessible.
Since a solar module has no moving parts, it can be maintained at a very low cost and are extremely reliable with a life of over 25 years that ensures the constant production of electricity with no human effort.

Benefits of solar energy:
• Energy production during peak hours- The most energy consumed during a day is in the afternoons where the heat is maximum especially in summer. This is when the sun’s rays also contain the most thermal energy hence the heat is directly proportional to the amount of energy produced.
• Zero energy production costs post instillation- After the solar panels are installed, there is zero conversion cost for sun’s rays into thermal energy. The only cost to be incurred is for the maintenance of the solar panels which is extremely low.
• Versatile instillation- Solar panels can be installed anywhere ranging from homes, schools, universities and even commercial units of production.
• Reduction of energy bill- Since the solar energy is produced using the suns thermal energy which is a never-ending natural source of input, the energy bill will drastically reduce if not be negligible entirely.
• Vast applicability- The energy produced with the thermal rays can be used for all purposes as it is exactly same to the energy produced and stored in batteries as other methods of energy production.
• Positive impact on the environment- The reduction in use of non-sustainable sources of energy will create a cleaner and greener environment that will in turn increase the standard of living creating a positive impact on the environment.
• Sustainable source of energy- Since thermal energy is based on the sun’s rays it will never run out of the main input material unlike other methods which use coal non-sustainable inputs.

Growth of the solar industry:
The numerous advantages of using solar energy have brought about a massive awareness in the large-scale practicality of using solar energy for long term energy sources. Solar panels can be installed in all buildings and provide energy for domestic, commercial as well as industrial purposes.

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